Whatever your foot problem, we can help

Our skilled podiatrists specialise in all foot-related issues, offering tailored solutions for your comfort and mobility. Trust us to improve your foot health today.

smile painted on kid feet
inserting orthotic in shoes
outdoor sunset run
doctor inspecting toes
pre-pointe ballet foot

Ballarat Podiatry. We know feet

Ballarat Podiatry is your destination for Podiatry care

grabbing at heel pain

Ballarat Heel Pain Clinic

Ballarat's only specialised clinic for heel pain. Let our team help you get a solution for your heel pain at Ballarat Heel Pain Clinic.

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four ballerinas at barre

Ballarat Dance Clinic

Ballarat’s first specialised clinic for dancers, offering pre-pointe assessments and specific dance injury assessment and management.

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wart on foot

Ballarat Wart Clinic

Visit Ballarat's only dedicated clinic for treating warts and experience swift and gentle state of the art wart treatment technology.

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Our Services

Where Specialised Foot Care Begins

Ballarat Podiatry Online Shop

Support and Style. Find your perfect footwear match.

Step into style effortlessly with our curated collection of top-tier footwear, just a click away.

Ballarat town hall at dusk

Podiatry in Ballarat

Conveniently located in the heart of Soldiers Hill, our clinic provides outstanding care for all your toe, foot, ankle, and lower limb needs.

Our dedicated team of podiatrists is committed to delivering comprehensive and personalised treatment plans to help you have your healthiest feet.

Our Location

Trusted by over 15,000 Ballarat locals

Our team of podiatrists and exercise physiologists in Ballarat have helped over 15,000 locals stay on their feet and more importantly, stay pain free.

Ballarat Podiatry knows feet. Our team has the expertise and experience that means whatever the problem, we can help you.

Meet Our Team
child feet on adult feet

What Should I Expect at My First Appointment?

doctor inspecting toes

Expect to see a smiling face. Our team of podiatrists and exercise physiologists are warm, caring & experts at listening.

They will listen as you explain your problem. This will be followed by a careful examination of the problem area, with a short simple set of tests.

Our experienced podiatrists will talk through your diagnosis with you and then walk you through a treatment plan that gets you back to 100% as quickly as possible. Our team of podiatrists and exercise physiologists are known for their Human/Expert approach.

They are human, they know that life is busy & complex and have the experience of dealing with 1000’s of patients over their career. They are experts at understanding the foot and the human body. Our team combines all of this knowledge and experience with care and empathy and that gives us the Ballarat Podiatry way.

Frequently Asked Questions

Book an appointment online to see your local Ballarat Podiatrist

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